An important question is, whether it is possible to create a better, peaceful society, while individuals have no peace and harmony inside yet.

Independent Spirituality

What is independent spirituality?

from our old forum:

Pieter I.Spirit.:

What we mean with independent spirituality:

Everything concerning spiritual life, without accepting dogmas from organised religion, sects, so called holy books, gurus, saints, boddhisattva’s, etc…

Because all this is no genuine insight, but second hand information, belief, formed by others and accepted by us via our conditioning.

Still these resources can contain interesting information, which we are willing to investigate with an open mind.

It’s about being open to see all dimensions of life itself, instead of letting the eye flaps of belief restrict you.

Pieter I.Spirit.


Hallo Pieter,

I found your website by typing “independent spirituality” into You certainly don’t have to convince me of the value of independent spirituality! My reason for writing this post is because I am interested in your answers to those “Essential life questions”, especially these two questions: Read the rest of this entry »

Essential life questions

A free mind?

A small number of spiritually oriented people are not happy with the naïve answers of certain trends, religions, gurus, etc. They want to stand still at the functioning of the human mind. That mind seems to be conditioned and functions “automatically”, therefore bringing about a lot of disharmony and suffering in itself and society.

We want to make this discovery journey to the core of the mind in a totally independent manner, therefore averse from any religion, belief, sect, scientific dogma or organisation. But especially without postulated theories about what is possible and what is not. Because without freedom, such a study only leads to restricted conclusions, as a goat tethered to a stake.

The world of “paranormal” phenomena is a reality which can be lived in quite a natural way. Many don’t see beyond certain phenomena. It seems adventurous and distracts the mind from the essence. Forced experiences through visualisation techniques can be dangerous.

It is important to avoid the many traps of the mind, which suddenly wants to create all kinds of meanings, paradises, gods and higher ego’s out of self love. We shall therefore try to probe reality by seeing through the unreal.

I think that it is possible for everyone, without books or university studies, to discover a totally different vision on existence in themselves. This insight brings about a completely different way of life, although not necessarily recognizable by the outside world.

A free, peaceful mind does not live under the yoke of conditioning and is in harmony with itself and society, whatever happens. Does this sound impossible? That’s fine, but do leave space for this possibility though.

This “brightening” originates from the silence of thought.
Through the inner peace which arises this way in a spontaneous manner, there is the necessary space for something totally new, something that is literally inconceivable.
It is not based on anything you know from the past.
Then, physical changes arise in the brain, with drastic effects. Mind and bodies enter another state and get a wider frequency range.
All kinds of names are given to this, such as universal love, divine consciousness, enlightenment, etc… but all descriptions are of course distortions and always beside the question, because it is then reduced to thinking, which is always dualistic.

After years of talks with interested and seeking people, I have decided to set up this platform. Here you will find a concise instigation to contemplation on several subjects. Extensions are added regularly.
You are welcome with objective responses and questions.
I wish you a brightening journey,

Pieter I.Spirit.

Waiting for science?

Until today, science seems to use rational thinking almost exclusively. Other possibilities to observe reality are excluded. Moreover, most scientists want to only investigate phenomena which they can observe following their own norms, repeatedly and categorisable.

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Can the ego evolve to a higher form?

Often we hear that it is important to have a good and strong image of oneself. But just isn’t that image the basis of inner conflicts? Every time this self image is not what you like, you have to adjust it. A never-ending struggle to become what you are not. The idea that the ego, which is a division of thought, could possibly evolve into a higher ego is an invention of that same human thinking with its conditioning. It stays within duality. So there is no need to take a road from ego A to ego B. When this whole mechanism is seen thoroughly, it just disappears.

Is it possible to live without conditioning?

It is easy to just say that it is possible or that it is not, but you can only discover that yourself, by digging into the functioning of the mind. When you really understand automatic reactions, while they are taking place, they don’t get any chance anymore, unless they are functional.

You do need automatic reactions to drive a car, but not so for living spiritually, for dealing with people, etc. Insight in this is something completely different than analysis or logic understanding. Insight doesn’t need time. Analysis does and moreso it is always uncomplete.

A healthy mind in a healthy body?

The finding that health of the body is an important base for good functioning of the mind, is yet very old. Though society produces mostly unhealthy food en drinks and a lot of stuff that doesn’t even deserve this name. The word “healthy” being misused on a big scale just to boost sales. Our intuition, whose task is to let us know what is good for us, just lets us down easily. It’s a big task to become healthy or stay healthy, without body-destroying poisons. On the other side, health is just a foundation. The mind is mostly defined by good old conditioning. And the mind defines how you live, eat, drink, digest, create nutrition and hormones. So it is an interaction. Can we break that circle?

What is a harmonious relationship, love?

This is one of the most current questions for a lot of people. Just why is it so difficult to have a steady, harmonious relationship?

Maybe this is not so surprising, when you see most people living in confusion. Also one creates an image of the other, therefore making a deep spiritual contact impossible. When both do this, one image has a relationship with the other image, while both spirits should have a relationship. Is that love? Or is it attraction and taking advantage of each other? A kind of exchange and satisfaction of needs. Often only the bright side of the other is really accepted. Real love is not about give and take, but give and give unconditionally. Without any expectations whatsoever. Both partners also should have enough common frequencies, on a spiritual, mental, emotional and physical level, to get a long term successful relationship. Harmonious relationships seem to be quite rare, but those who experience it, know the beauty of it.

Individual and society

It is very understandable that people from all over the world are trying to change society by politics, actions, terror, pressure groups, development aid programs, etc.

Still the big question is, can individuals who don’t know themselves what harmony really is, what inner peace is, and therefore are themselves living in permanent inner conflict as almost everyone else, can they really take the right decisions, creating a peaceful society? Isn’t it resembling to a group of blind people, trying to make one painting? The conflict between individuals and society is a conflict of every individual, who is not capable of observing clearly. Being conscious that you are creating the image you have of society, is hereto essential.

Peace in the world?

People who have inner peace blossoming, will also create a peaceful society automatically. Therefore isn’t it urgent to probe into oneself to discover the real cause of inner conflict? Read the rest of this entry »

A world without organised religion

How would a world look without organised religion? Do you think it would be chaos? What happens when people live without all the conditioning that is put on their minds and hearts by religion, during their life? At least it’s impossible then to start a war because of contradictory religions. Read the rest of this entry »

What is a peaceful mind?

Of course it is impossible to create a genuine picture of a peaceful mind from within a confused mind. A confused mind is captured in conditioning, and that conditioning is, also subconsciously, build up with the past. What’s up now? Mission impossible? What we can do indeed is to drop everything which obstructs our spiritual freedom and what is based upon what is untrue. Then we’ll just see what comes up. This requires a certain courage. Because there are plenty of ways offered to — with some puzzle work — make spiritual life more pleasant. But for how long? After that you will land in the real world again and nothing really changed.

What about belief, religions and sects?

Believing has always something of a risk. Actually it’s a gamble, while we hope that this belief is according to the truth. But on what do our belief is based? Again it is our conditioning which defines what we believe. Education, culture, “intuition” let us decide to follow a certain belief, or on the contrary, to resist. But, how far can we trust those conditionings? What has this to do with reality? And why do we want to believe? Why do we accept the authority of an organisation, guru, prophet or pope who “knows”? How can we judge that from our own ignorance? Read the rest of this entry »

Gurus, necessity or obstruction?

When everyone says that this or that person, preferably with a beard and a long dress, is “enlightened” or has reached “satori”, people listen to them with special awe. While we don’t really know what this person is about inside. Maybe the girl in the shop next door could have a much more harmonious mind than that well known person. Read the rest of this entry »

Ideals, principles, theories, philosophies

As long as we base our lives on a certain theory, ideal or philosophy, we are running behind the facts, behind life. Then everything depends on a temporary opinion, which we refine all the time. Maybe there is a totally different approach. An existance that happens in the now. Maybe real life starts just there and life in thought is a dream? Enough philosophies available, but aren’t they just intellectual entertainment?

Is perception without the image of thought possible?

When we observe something, then an immediate action of thought and senses follows with a judgement. Our brain is so much used to do this, that we don’t know anymore what it is like to just observe. It is impossible though to see reality, if conditioning comes between yourself and the observed. You meet someone who you saw ten years ago for the last time. That person treated you badly at that time. In the meantime the person got the insight of that bad treatment. But you can’t see this, because you automatically get the former idea in your mind.
Perception without this image is only possible if you see very clearly through the operation of the mind and are standing in life brightly. It’s the difference between living in the present or being lived by the past.

Is it possible to live in the moment?

You can’t possibly do an effort to live in the present. Mental effort on itself is already an endeavour that moves away itself from the present. There is no lack of meditation systems, but it is not because you paralysed your mind by mantra’s or artificial circumstances, that you are living in the now. Only when thought is not the ruler of your existence, but is at your life’s service only when it is functionally needed, then there is the mental silence and then you are living in the present. Circumstances and emotions can be hectic or serene as well, because the flame of consciousness is not touched by the storms of life.

Death, reïncarnation?

A classic question: is there life after death? Most of the time the answers are based on belief, therefore subjective, or based only on logical thinking, therefore very limited. Those who are at ease in the spiritual world and have objective experiences, don’t have to believe, they know. But is it really important to know this? Why are we so much concerned about life after death? If you live completely in the now and therefore act always for a hundred percent, you are not concerned about your future life, nor about making good karma. Read the rest of this entry »

Is science the faith of Richard Dawkins?

In this documentary “Root of all evil”, Richard Dawkins, an Oxford professor, is asking questions about brainwashing children with the religion of their parents. He mentions the fact that so many children are “victims” of religion conditionings, without the freedom of deciding for themselves how to look to the world. Sad facts indeed, that lead to lots of conflicts in the world today. But, he seems to consider scientific theories as “proven facts”. Although the way parents educate their children can very well be questioned, one can also question the “faith” of science, based on logical thinking. Won’t theories be changing forever? Can they ever be complete? Can thought, which is the past and never the present, ever be complete? Read the rest of this entry »