An important question is, whether it is possible to create a better, peaceful society, while individuals have no peace and harmony inside yet.

A world without organised religion

How would a world look without organised religion? Do you think it would be chaos? What happens when people live without all the conditioning that is put on their minds and hearts by religion, during their life? At least it’s impossible then to start a war because of contradictory religions. In their ignorance people always create a God or a heaven outside themselves. It’s so easy to follow someone who “knows”. How do you know who knows? Because your parents or other people say so? You think you can just “feel” that? With your conditioned mind?

A nice example of people just following religious conditioning is the recent discovery of the gospel of Judas. Until then, the whole world spoke of him as a kind of a devil. Now this gospel speaks of “Jesus’ most favored disciple and willing collaborator”. Funny?

Only when the seeking mind stops looking outside for a God, the “source” inside has the possibility to appear.

Pieter I.S.

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